December Daily Weekend 20-21 Edition

IMG_20141220_194836_edit Xmas imagejpeg_2 Me and em 20141220_100036 20141220_102801This weekend was about driving to Meaford, some last minute Christmas shopping, and time spent with my mother in law, brother in law and future (we all hope!) sister in law.  Zoë getting spoiled and snuggled and loved on by family. Garret got a new truck, and cleaned our old one til it looked brand new (don’t think it has ever been so clean) Sunday morning was all about getting to go back to sleep while my MIL hung out with our little early riser.  G and I got to go back to bed from 7-9…life changing.  There was a lot of driving around this weekend, some naps in cars, cuddles with dogs, and two chances to dress up.  Not enough pictures taken by me so had to steal some.

This weekend was also about  managing expectations as a parent. Realizing it is TOTALLY OK to bring a 15month old to a party in her super cute Christmas jammies.  Even if you packed a super adorable dress for the occasion…Realizing that life with a walking, clumsy, death defying feat hunting toddler is obviously different.  We cannot just relax at dinner parties any longer. (Unless they are being hosted in a child proof rubber room)  These things are OK, this is our life right now, and if we can manage tag team eating styles, we simultaneously eat and keep our daughter alive, then what more can we ask for.

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